Check out Why Carismissional? for a brief introduction for something I’ve been “experimenting” with for about two years now. The article is more than adequate at communicating some thoughts I’ve been having. There is much that can be learned from the Emerging Church. Hopefully people can do so in a discerning manner while being open to learning. If we can combine the positive elements of being missional into a charismatic framework that lacks flaky and unbiblical practices… wow. That’d be awesome. What do you think? New terms? How do the terms strike you? Standard terms? What’s your thoughts?

Luke is a pastor-theologian living in northern California, serving as a co-lead pastor with his life, Dawn, at the Red Bluff Vineyard. Father of five amazing kids, when Luke isn’t hanging with his family, reading or writing theology, he moonlights as a fly fishing guide for Confluence Outfitters. He blogs regularly at and regularly contributes to his YouTube channel.
What’s “Orthopraxy”?!! Orthodox practice?
Yes. It simply means correct action/activity/practice.
Luke, interesting article.
I didn’t read the whole article, but it seems to reflect a “revelation’ I arrived at about 6 years ago, during a time of personal revival. Before that, I’d been primarily in an “evangelical” environment, where being mission-hearted was strongly encouraged, but being led by the Spirit was rarely mentioned or understood. Then I met some folks who were both mission minded and led by the Spirit. It was a revelation to me and I thought it just plain made sense that God might want to have some part in deciding when and to whom one is witnessing. 😀
Fantastic article! Faith without deeds is dead. Walking in the Spirit cannot happen if there is no walking (action) on our part. We need to seek and look for God in every situation we are in. He makes many divine appointments but we miss many of them because we are not mission minded. We are self minded much of the time. May God fill us so full with His Spirit and make us so consciously aware and sensitive that we can’t help but spill over and ignite others like a fire in our bones. Let’s be determined to be intentional.
The article begins with, “We cannot truly be missional without allowing our missional activity to be directed by the Holy Spirit. Our identity as the people of God is dependent on our understanding of the purpose of the Holy Spirit in our life.”
I agree 100%. It is so profound and yet so simple. Thanks for the link and thanks for writing some great articles yourself.
Luke, are you familiar with Matt Chandler and The Village Church? He has spoken about being missional and also the gifts of the Holy Spirit too. I think you’d enjoy him.
This brings up some good points though. If the Holy Spirit empowers us for missions than I can see how it would be reasonable to fall into the category of being Charismissional.
i like the concept of living charismissionally more than i like the term because it is a mouthful. but so are all the other terms and labels we use so i guess that’s okay.