For those of you who buy into the Pre-tribulational Rapture theory, perhaps you can take advantage of this business ministry: You’ve Been Left Behind!
The websites purpose is to inform Christians’ unbelieving loved ones that the “rapture” has taken place. There are currently four active couples (and one alternate) who log into the system to ensure that the website does not email your loved ones. The assumption is that once Christians have been “raptured,” the system will notice that they have not logged in and will then send an informative email alerting your loved ones about the Gospel, thus this is “one last chance to bring them to Christ and snatch them from the flames!”
Boy, for those of you who are going to escape the Great Tribulation, I’d make sure to sign up! The cost is $40 a year! Well worth the price 🙂

Luke is a pastor-theologian living in northern California, serving as a co-lead pastor with his life, Dawn, at the Red Bluff Vineyard. Father of five amazing kids, when Luke isn’t hanging with his family, reading or writing theology, he moonlights as a fly fishing guide for Confluence Outfitters. He blogs regularly at and regularly contributes to his YouTube channel.
Brothers and sisters, this is why pop culture Christianity makes me sick.
Is this an actual website or is it a satire poking fun at the extremes within Fundamentalism? I can’t imagine anyone actually paying for this type of service.
*snicker, snicker* So, Luke, you think it’s a good deal? Should I be signing up?
Hmmm….maybe I could save myself $40 by just telling them myself, while I’m still here to talk about it.
You should definitely sign up:)
It’s for real. I heard about it on Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me a couple months ago.
Luke, you don’t believe in the rapture? Or am I missing something? End times is scary stuff. I’m glad I won’t be here!
Good! Another way that somebody can capitalize on the average person’s willingness to believe anything they’re told. If it makes us feel better about not sharing Christ with loved ones right now, then that’s a bonus! Unfortunately, the incredible popularity of a certain book series, cough cough, has done more to shape the theology and ideology of a ghastly number of Christians. No worries, I suppose; if we can escape the Tribulation, pay a few bucks to make sure our loved ones have “fire insurance” and have a clear conscience, then everybody wins, right?
Erin, there isn’t any real scriptural support for the idea that Christians won’t go through the end times. I agree they are scary stuff. However, Jesus told his disciples they WILL suffer, and that whole “being fed to lions” bit was not exactly a walk in the park for the Christians of that time. Even today, there are many Christians in other countries who are suffering their own “tribulation” because of religious persecution.
I don’t really know if we will definitely have to go through part or all of the tribulation, but I think every Christian should EXPECT to go through at least part of it, so that they are prepared. One thing that really convinced me about that was a story I heard about Chinese Christians, before the communists took over their country. At that time, the missionaries to China were teaching the new believers that they would not have to go through the tribulation, but would be raptured out before it started. Then communism took over and the Chinese Christians experienced very real tribulation in their own country. Many, many of them rejected Christianity, believing it had all been a lie, because they weren’t raptured out before the trouble began.
I would much rather be prepared to face the worst, and then be surprised in a pleasant manner, than to think I won’t have to go through it, and then have to face it. That would be very hard on my faith, I would think.
wierd site.
timbreldancer said “I would much rather be prepared to face the worst, and then be surprised in a pleasant manner,… ”
Is your cup half empty or half full? This thought process sounds a little pessimistic? Aside from the competing rapture teachings, we are all to be looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing…
So even christian pessimists get to be longterm optimists?